Christmation vẽ thánh giá

The priest anoints the recipient with Chrism, making the sign of the cross on the forehead, eyes, ears, nostrils, breast, back, hands and feet using the following words each time:
“The seal of the gift of the Holy Spirit” (in Greek: Σφραγὶς δωρεᾶς Πνεύματος Ἁγίου).

The Chrism is washed off by a priest seven days later, according to the written rubrics,the newly baptized wearing their white chitons and not washing their anointed parts for that period. However, in the case of infant baptism (and often also with adult chrismation contemporary practice), the ablution is performed immediately after the rite of chrismation.

Ông cha sẽ lấy cái cấy cọ vẽ thánh giá lên trán , mắt , tai , mũi , ngực , lưng , tay , chân

rùi ông cha đọc : con dấu của Chúa Thánh thần

con chiên kêu : Amen

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